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Winter Solstice - Rituals for every-day life

Happy Holidays Dear Friends!


As the winter solstice envelops us in its quiet magic, I want to extend heartfelt holiday wishes to you, celebrating not only the season but the significance it has held across cultures. Whether you find solace in twinkling lights, a cozy fireplace, or the comforting warmth of a cup of tea, this time of year invites us to slow down, reflect, and embrace the sacred in the seemingly mundane.


Winter Solstice marks the beginning of winter while also being a symbolic hope for a bright future as the days start to get longer.  My hubby, Ian, and I were discussing how incredible that seeming contradiction is. The solstice brings with it hope for the return of the light, life and renewal, while, at the time, the natural world slows down further, going inward and quiet. 


That hope for a bright future just as the cold sets in is recognized in many cultures with rituals and traditions.


Ritual has been very present in my own life recently, and something that has been on my mind and heart is how we can learn to make the mundane sacred through ritual. 


Our attention is one of our most powerful gifts and that gift can be given to ourselves by slowing down enough to notice the details, subtleties and nuances of what we are experiencing.


As we navigate this season, I invite you to join me in embracing the sacred in your daily life and routines —  explore the transformative power of attention that makes the ordinary sacred


Here are some ways to bring some special spark to the season!


1. Ablutions:

In some cultures the act of washing one’s face is such a ritual known as ablution, transforming the act into a ritual of worship, mindfulness and self-love. Consider your own skincare routine as a form of ablution—an opportunity for self-care that goes beyond the surface. In these small moments, we find connection and meaning even with ourselves.


2. Bonfires and Light Ceremonies: 

Embrace the warmth of the season by gathering friends and family around a bonfire or lighting candles in your home. Lighting a candle, a simple act done with attention & intention, can symbolize the hope for a brighter future and infuse the present with a sense of purpose. 

It's a beautiful way to symbolize the return of light and share the moment with loved ones.


3. Community Gatherings, Feasting & Sharing Meals:

Join in the festive spirit by participating in community gatherings. Attend organized events, join spiritual gatherings, or explore festive markets to share the joy of the season with your community. The emphasis is on creating shared experiences and fostering a sense of togetherness.

Dive into the joy of the season by hosting a feast that celebrates abundance and togetherness. Share traditional winter dishes and savor the communal spirit that comes with breaking bread together.


4. Decorations and Symbolism:

Spruce up your space with evergreen decorations like wreaths and boughs. Add decorative lights and ornaments to usher in the warmth of the sun, bringing a festive touch to your surroundings.


5. Nature Walks and Observing the Sky:

Connect with the natural world by taking peaceful walks or gazing at the night sky. Foster a deeper connection with the environment and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you during this special time.


6. Reflection and Introspection:

Take some quiet moments for reflection and introspection. Meditate on your intentions for the coming year, express gratitude for the past, and find inner peace amid the winter stillness.


7. Gift-Giving:

Spread joy and positivity through the art of gift-giving. Whether it's a handmade craft or a thoughtful token, the exchange of gifts symbolizes generosity and the sharing of positive energy. It doesn’t have to cost anything to give a gift of love.


8. Storytelling and Ritual Performances:

Add a touch of magic to your celebrations with storytelling or symbolic performances. Share stories that resonate with the themes of light overcoming darkness, or create your own rituals to enhance the enchanting atmosphere.


9. Music and Chants:

Infuse your celebrations with the power of music. Drumming, singing, or chanting can add a sensory dimension to your rituals, creating an immersive experience that resonates with the spirit of the solstice.

We are currently enjoying the live stream of seasonal music from All Classical Portland Public Radio Station which will be playing through Christmas.


10. Ceremonial Circles and Spirals: 

Create a sense of connection by incorporating circles or spirals into your rituals. This can be as simple as drawing patterns in the snow or arranging objects in symbolic shapes as you reflect on the cycles of life and nature.


These rituals, rooted in ancient traditions or modern adaptations, share a common thread of honoring the natural cycles of the Earth and the symbolic significance of the winter solstice in marking the return of light and life. ENJOY!


What does ritual mean to you? 

How do you bring meaning into everyday existence? 


As we approach the year’s end, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your trust and support. Your commitment to prioritizing your well-being is truly inspiring, and I am honored to be part of that journey.


My own journey has been an exciting one, of late and I'm thrilled to share some news! 


Forest & Fern has partnered with Dr. Adriane Knorr of The Sassy Speculum! Together, we'll be enhancing our Skin Coaching Program to incorporate full naturopathic care, providing you with a comprehensive approach to radiant health & skin wellness from the inside out! 

I had the opportunity and privilege to be a vendor at the first Esti Winter Ball hosted by HoneySkin LLC and Modern Vital Esthetics.  Check out a little reel on Instagram here.


I also had the honor of being a guest on the podcast, Esti Tea Talk, hosted by Kat of HoneySkin LLC


You can hear that episode here where we delved into the intersection of skincare and holistic well-being, health coaching for skin, esthetics, empowered aging and much more!


As a token of gratitude for your continued support, I'm offering a special 20% discount on skincare products and supplements. It's my way of expressing appreciation for your journey toward skin health and overall well-being.


May your holidays be filled with joy, peace, and a renewed sense of meaning.


In love and service,



And for those who have said they want a recipe with every newsletter…this is for you and it is what Ian and I are having for Christmas dinner!

Red Wine and Worcestershire Beef Stew:

- Ingredients:

  - 2 lbs beef stew meat, cubed

  - 4 cups beef broth or bone broth

  - 1 cup red wine

  - 2 carrots, small chunks

  - 2 parsnips and any other root veg you like, peeled and small chunks

  - 1 onion, diced

  - 3 cloves garlic, minced

  - 12 oz potatoes, small chunks (russet, red or yellow)

  - 1 cup mushrooms, sliced

  - 1 teaspoon thyme

  - 1 teaspoon rosemary

  - Salt and pepper to taste

  - 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

  - Olive oil for sautéing

- Instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Cover the root veg in oil and roast for 20 min. 

2. In a large pot, brown beef cubes over medium-high heat.

3. Add onions and garlic, sauté until softened.

4. Stir in carrots, parsnips, potatoes, mushrooms, thyme, and rosemary.

5. Pour in red wine, beef broth, and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 hours until beef is tender. 

Alternatively, you can also put this all in your slow cooker and cook on low for 8 hrs or high for 4 hrs.

6. Season with salt and pepper, adjusting to taste.


Serve this rich and flavorful Red Wine and Worcestershire Beef Stew for a delightful twist on the classic winter comfort dish.


Feel free to make this your own with your favorite root vegetables. You can also experiment with tomato paste and paprika for fun.

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