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Meet the Creator & Coach

Hello, and welcome to Forest & Fern Integrative Wellness & Skincare.
I’m Sharmil Elliott Reclusado, CNAP: founder, formulator and health coach. 

Multi-passionate, eclectic, creative, healer and people-loving introvert, that’s me!

As a Certified Nutritional Aesthetics Practitioner (Health Coach specializing in skin), Certified Natural Skincare Formulator and Certified Life & Desire Coach, I'm here to be your guide, confidante, and biggest cheerleader.  Get back quality sleep, ditch the dull complexion that has you hiding under makeup, rev up your energy stores, balance out the irritability, mood swings & cravings and feel confident again going out with your friends.  

If you have ever felt trapped in life's storm, struggling to find your way, I've been there, too.

I can see how overwork, emotional strain, physical demands, infections and injuries converged to create my perfect storm.

I wasn't about to let life's obstacles dictate my journey!

Guided by a yearning for holistic healing, I embarked on a personal odyssey, immersed in alternative approaches to health. I overcame chronic infections, broke free from the cycle of pain & medication and left an unhealthy relationship. The next toll my body paid for overwork and emotional strain was premature perimenopause. There is a much longer story to tell, but I want you to know that if this describes any part of your own journey, I see you.  

SO, what became of me being face to face with these challenges? A whole new life…one that I created; not one that was dictated for me. This holistic framework bestowed on me the clarity I’d yearned for. My ongoing journey led to profound shifts, manifesting as self-compassion, balanced moods, pain reduction, glowing skin, deep sleep and awareness of the connection between my emotional state and the imbalance in my skin and body.  

My passion lies in aiding women to reclaim their vitality, even amidst the whirlwind of busy lives!  

Take your first step toward a radiant life!

I invite you to reach out today to start creating your personalized roadmap to emotional harmony, comprehensive wellness, glowing skin and a life that reflects your inner well-being.  It’s time to embrace a joyful, thriving you. Together, we’ll navigate the path to a renewed zest for life!  🌟🌿  
